You Can Now Licence Your COVID 19 Digi-Sign Online

PassageWay COVID 19 Digi-Sign eCommerce Site Now Online at

Keep people safe with the latest UK COVID 19 information and visitor guidance for your location

We’re delighted to have opened our eCommerce website for licencing real-time UK COVID 19 DigiSigns. The eCommerce site is primarily for those places that need just a single COVID 19 Digi-Sign. It is worth highlighting that a single sign can be used on as many digital screens and devices as you wish, including Intranets, social channels, email signatures and websites.

Require Multiple Signs?

We have developed a range of features to make it easy for civic and transport authorities, multi-venue organisations and others to easily deploy and manage multiple signs, with the option for customisation to meet unique needs. If you require multiple signs and would like to find out more about how we can support you please send us an enquiry.

To licence your real-time COVID 19 Digi-Sign please visit


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